Monday, July 22, 2013

That This Beauty Shall Prevail

In the humble expression of this poor servant,
let this be known:
Better to fall on the battlefield
than choke on my steak in the War Room.

For it is my intention, in this my lifetime,
here-now and in reality, as in eternity,
that Sufism shall defeat Islam, prevail over and replace it entirely
with knowledge of God, with love of God.

That the Sovereignty of Love shall prevail over
and replace Muslim bigotry, racism, misogyny, hypocrisy.
That the prayers of the Great Ones and faith of the Heart
shall prevail over and replace Muslim arrogance, ignorance,
aggression, and its most primitive brutality.

That music and dance, creative literature, reason,
beauty in all its variations, shall prevail over and replace
the Muslim's native bent toward pronouncing death-fatwas,
toward pathologically underdeveloped, grossly self-conscious
phobias against any nonconformity, as against all freedom

of self-expression, against any notion of critical self-reflection,
of maturity in relation to the rest of the world:
over this shall prevail the nectar of Rumi, the fragrance of Hafiz;
the madness of Kabir and of Rabi'a shall prevail over and replace
a Muslim mentality which shuns pork but evidently not cannibalism.

That the creative openness of Sufism which embraces all faiths
and all paths toward God shall prevail over and replace this Islam
of domination, delusions of supremacy, of bludgeoning with Shari'a
every Muslim who is "other" and every culture which is not of itself.

Verily, the song and movement of Dervishes,
the Movement and the Message of Sufism through the Ages
cannot be annihilated, it is here in spite of historic repression,
and shall prevail over an Islam which never could appreciate
Sufis, Sikhs, Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists - and murders them
century for century.

O Beloved Lord and Cherisher of the worlds:
let these words not prove empty, no -
let this love be active, this harmony penetrate through hearts:
that this beauty shall prevail.

Let it so Be as I, Sheikh Samuel Inayat-Chisti, have said,
who shall raise the banner of Love on that battlefield
in whichever form that comes,
and shall not fall, after so many lifetimes of this, but shall prevail.

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